or that's the way I should feel at this time of year. What has traditionally happened to me the past few years is that I push myself during October, November and December. Then, January rolls around and I end up sick. Followers of this blog can attest to my previous posts on the subject. Well, here we are on January 21st and guess what? I'm not sick! In fact, there was no real push for the end of the year because, let's face it, everyone knows the economy sucks, right? I'm also here to tell you that unless you want a whole media card full of winter shots with lots of snow, there isn't much happening in the photography department either. Anyone who lives in New Hampshire and the north country, in particular, wakes up every morning to a couple inches of fluff on their vehicles. In our family, we call it something else with one less letter. I've charged my batteries, cleaned my lens and filters, re-formatted all of my media cards and I've even played a little with my new tripod. I'm ready! Now, if the weather would cooperate with a little sunshine after a snowstorm instead of this constant gloomy overcast condition, I'd be wicked happy. I can tell you that my phone is ringing with inquiries, a special order from Florida, a request for an appearance at a winter yard sale/craft event and an order from my daughter to help a 5th grader from Washington state with her search for all things New Hampshire. Things are beginning to look up and so are my spirits.