This year, for the first time ever, I'll be doing a craft fair in February. Thankfully, it will be an inside event. The Littleton, NH Senior Center is sponsoring the 1st Annual Cabin Fever Flea Market and Craft Fair on February 20th from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. Call me crazy but I think, with enough publicity, this could be a really good thing. By that time in the month, most of us who don't have a passion for snowmobiling or skiing, are crawling up the walls. We long for something green to burst from a tree branch, the ground or even a window box. Some of us even go to great lengths to get things to bloom like forcing spring bulbs in inside gardens. I hope many of you will come visit me at the Senior Center which is just off Cottage Street on the 20th. Please don't make me regret my decision!!