My web site has been up and running without any major change for three years. It's time to dust things off and make them new again. Call it spring cleaning. So, I've spent the last week deciding which images should be replaced and which should be added. I've reworked my bio and artist statement, lowered my prices and adjusted the shipping rates. All in all, I hope I've made it more professional and more attractive to the buying public. It was a job that needed doing and unfortunately, the delay in my completing the task was a monetary thing.
While that project was a labor of necessity, the next was a labor of love. I've rented new gallery space at a high visibility place on Main Street in Littleton, NH. It's called the ArtWorks, a custom framing shop that has a cozy downstairs. I'm hoping the monthly rental fee will be absorbed by the sales of my work. But, with anything in life, this, too is a gamble.
While that project was a labor of necessity, the next was a labor of love. I've rented new gallery space at a high visibility place on Main Street in Littleton, NH. It's called the ArtWorks, a custom framing shop that has a cozy downstairs. I'm hoping the monthly rental fee will be absorbed by the sales of my work. But, with anything in life, this, too is a gamble.
These tasks are just the beginning of what I call my busy season. Soon, most of my time will be spent in the studio preparing for the weekend exhibits or show schedule. It doesn't stop until just after the Christmas holiday. This is the time of year that I enjoy the most. It's the down time that makes me sad.
Today's image is from Hawaii a couple of years ago. My husband and I find our quality time coincides with some of the best photo opportunities, that of sunrises and sunsets. This image was taken on Honolulu's most famous beach, Waikiki.
1 comment:
Hi! Love your blog. Keep going, somehow people will come.
"If you build it, they will come."
Love you
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