I don't get much sleep from September through Christmas because I'm a huge Red Sox fan and because of my show schedule. And this year is no exception. With the national television coverage of the world series games starting an hour later than normal east coast broadcasts, it made the ending of these games that much later. So, I sat like much of "Red Sox Nation", sleep deprived and deliriously happy about Sunday night's outcome. The celebration was much deserved. The team set records and showed America that 2004 was no fluke. They are a team to be reckoned with. Now, I can get back to other matters such as dentist appointments and gallery staffing. Today is one of those days. But tomorrow I'll be a starving artist once more, working in the studio to prepare for this weekend's shows at the Littleton, NH Elks Club and the Concord, VT High School. These are two small community shows which have excellent town response, especially in Concord where everyone participates by either baking or cooking or just coming out to the show to spend money on the Scholastic Book Sale, vendor's items or the Chinese Raffle. We are between the seasons that most of the country recognises, autumn and winter. We, here in the North Country of New Hampshire have an in between season called "mud" where it rains all the time and the ground just can't absorb any more water. Everything is brown and depressing because the leaves have fallen and snow hasn't arrived to cover up the gloom. This season occurs twice, blessing us with despair again between winter and spring. Aren't we lucky?
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