Monday, April 20, 2015

Assateague Island National Seashore

Our arrival on Assateague was followed very quickly by bad weather and when I say bad weather, I mean trailer shaking wind, sideways curtains of rain with enough volume to turn the park into a water feature. Our first volunteer shift was spent figuring out which sites could be used and which classified as a diving experience . This also entailed judgment calls on what sites were too wet for tents. I felt for sure the water would disappear quickly but here we are five days later and we still have several extra ponds around with wet weather on the horizon. All this extra rainwater is an added boon to the horses for they must rely on just a  couple of brackish ponds for their year round needs.

The horses are busy grazing on the new greenery as quick as it sprouts. We have only identified 13 individuals up close with another 7 from a distance. This is a very small sampling of the herd which numbers 92, 68 mares and 24 stallions. I asked the rangers if it was a particularly tough winter to have the herd number so low. Although the winter was about average, they did mention several of the older animals had succumbed. Life is certainly hard for the barrier island inhabitants.

Last night we were witness to a failed takeover. A new white stallion with small black and brown markings appeared, a horse I haven’t seen in three years of observation, tried for over a half hour to round up the 4 chestnut mares that call our campground home. The resident stallion, also a chestnut, wasn’t having any of it. They chased each other back and forth while the mares tried their best to stay out of the way. Eventually the lead mare chased the other three out of the park while the boys continued to “discuss” the situation. It grew too dark for us to see the results and had to wait until this morning to find out who won. Much as I would have liked to see the new stallion takeover, the chestnut stallion was with his mares grazing in the marsh and the interloper was no where to be seen.

I’ll be looking for him to appear once more and try again.

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