Saturday, January 28, 2017

Arrival In Paradise

The first day anywhere new is always fun for me, not so much for my husband. I grab hold of the map, look out the window at the new scenery and wish we had time to stop for little photo ops along the way. My husband, on the other hand, must climb into a strange car and travel unfamiliar streets until we reach our destination, skillfully maneuvering traffic congestion which we later found out locals refer to as “whale jams” . When it’s time, regardless of how many hours we’ve been traveling, how many times zones we’ve crossed or how little sleep we might have gotten on the plane, he must be alert from that moment until we arrive at our home for that week. And he always does a great job no matter how often I wished I could yell “pull over” at a moment’s notice.

Our resort is not much more than a hotel room so the next order of business will be to find a grocery store. Safeway, we are told is the best option back in Lahaina. Having been to Hawaii several times, we have a really good idea of what kind of prices we are about to face. Or we think we are because when I reach for a 6 oz. Package of Driscoll’s Raspberries I immediately think a bit longer. The price is $4.99 here for the same amount back home of $2.99. Two Gala apples set us back $3.59 and a 12 pack of Coca Cola Zero is $7.99 instead of the usual $3.49 or even the sale price of $2.50. Breakfast for two days, lunch for three and one supper was $67.43. If it isn’t grown here, it must come in by container ship or plane.

No photos today. I’m still tired from the flight. I’m not as young as I used to be.

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