I was talking with a gentleman, on the phone, a couple of days ago and he asked about my web site. I proceeded to tell him how to access it so he could look through the gallery of images I have for sale. I'm not sure if it was my early morning huskiness or a bad connection but the man wasn't sure what I was say so I proceeded to spell out the words, P-H-O- and so on. By the time I got to the second part after the very important hyphen instead of an underscore, well we were both confused. I really didn't think through the spelling of photo-sensitivity. It's a hand full of i's and t's, all needing to be dotted and crossed. I was more concerned with choosing a company name that told people what I did and how I felt about the environment. He and I eventually got it all straight and I hope he enjoyed looking through the site. And, just so there are no twisted letters, here's the link in case you, too, would like to check out the web site:
http://www.photo-sensitivity.com/ Oh, BTW, we're working on a trip to the island of Tobago in May. Can't wait to get to some place warm and green. The view from my window is muddy and brown with shades of deep puddles....
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