I just had to get out of the house this afternoon. The sun was coming through the windows so strongly, I felt compelled to grab my camera and go take pictures. It was a shock to find out the sunshine was not as strong as it seemed. And the wind was no gentle fan either. Anyway, I started at one corner of my yard and wandered about for a worthwhile subject to "focus" on. Imagine my surprise when I realized the weeds are actually much more advanced in my husband's gardens than any of the spring blossoms he has placed there. Over in one corner of the yard is a healthy patch of dandelion greens, in another a rather large lambs tongue has popped through the surface. The leaves on the wild berry brambles are looking fine and even the Poplar trees are sending off their first seed strands. The slope of weed filled expanse we call a lawn is fairly thick, with all sorts of wild grasses, some of which, you might even consider actual grass. In all of this observation, I found just this, a couple of lonely little grape hyacinths and a rather sparsely blooming forsythia bush which is probably older than my grandson. The grandson is doing better, trust me. No where could I find my beautiful tulips, or the countless daffodils, paper narcissus and lily of the valley. Everywhere I looked, the yard was green and even though all those long winter months I longed for things to be green, now I wish for there to be other colors, lots of brilliant reds, blues, yellows, pinks, and purples. All this proves is two things. We, as humans, are never satisfied and always want more than we have and the last is that we are never happy with just sitting back and living in the moment. I know this because here I am finally ready to sit back and smell the roses and there isn't a single blooming rose out there..... YET!
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