Well, there won’t be a glaciers today either. We traveled up the Inside North Fork Road for about three miles before being turned around. Then we left the park by way of the Camas Gate, into Flathead National Forest, along extremely rough and dusty two lane roads, back into the park at Polebridge. The ranger told us we were the first vehicle she’d seen today, at 10:00AM and we could go right for only seven miles towards Logging Creek campground or we could travel to Bowman Lake, about 6 miles or Kintla Lake, about 14 miles. I opted for the right hand turn and was sorry I did very soon afterwards. The road was rough, rutted, potholed, twisty and narrow for the entire seven miles. Carl said he had had enough and pulled into the Logging Creek campground parking area to turn around. I said I wanted to walk just over the bridge to take a look at the creek. It was then, we spied why the road was closed just beyond. Either a creek was out of it’s banks or heavy spring run off had taken a wrong turn but just beyond the sign that read “Road Closed” was a rather quick moving torrent of water. One would almost say a stream. We headed back out, arriving at the junction once more. I expected Carl to turn for home but he turned towards Bowman Lake. He said he wanted to find some place nice for lunch. That road, although having more interesting scenery, was even more narrow and at times rougher than the first one we drove. The lake, once we got there was quite pretty and I talk with some kayakers for a couple of minutes. Our road home was traveled a little quicker than the road out this morning. Carl is resting for round two later this afternoon and I’ll take some time to check out the photos I took. We saw a large number of deer, both white and black tailed. We did stop and take photos of some nice bucks and a doe with a fawn. Some of the other does may have had fawns but the grass they were grazing in was so tall, it was very difficult to even see the does, at times. BTW, the slow cooker lasagna came out just fine by cooking it for two hours and leaving it covered until it cooled.
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